About CBYX

What is CBYX?

CBYX is a scholarship that provides a free chance for high school students to study abroad in Germany. The scholarship is through the US Department of State, but your time abroad is organized by a specific organization based on what region of the US you live in. Because I live on the east coast, I applied and will be going through AFS. There are five implementing organizations, and each has 50 scholarships to give out, totaling in 250 scholarships for the whole country.

The scholarship was established in 1983 to strengthen the relationship between American and Germany, and since then over 24,000 students have participated in either CBYX or CBYX for young professionals. It is funded by both the American and German governments, and there is a group of German students also come over to the United States through the PPP.

What does it cover?

CBYX covers most expenses associated with study abroad; your plane ticket, medical insurance, support system in Germany and any costs associated with finding a host family/school placement are all covered. The only thing you really have to provide is spending money while you are over there and any costs associated with obtaining a passport/visa (which they will get for you).

Who can apply?

The program is for US high school students, between the ages of 15 and 18.5 at the time of departure. CBYX also requires that you have a GPA of 3.0. Other than that,  CBYX looks for students with "Academic merit, as well as motivation, curiosity and flexibility". You do not need to know any German to apply, in fact most people don't. 

If you want any more info about CBYX please visit their website : usagermanyscholarship.org

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