I didn't get a chance to update for a while due to the aforementioned "feeling like life thing", so I'll just give everyone a quick rundown on what I've been up too :)
The past few weeks have been super busy. So super busy, in fact, that I am just going to write down what I did in bullet points. I'm all about efficiency!
- I took a German math exam, which I got a B on (I very proud of this B)
- Jens Spahn, a German politician, came to my house for an interview and brought a photographer, which was pretty wild. He's essentially a German senator and he might be a candidate for Chancellor one day, or so my host parents tell me
- I began playing volleyball with an awesome team of girls who don't usually mind that I actually suck (like really suck) at volleyball.
- I had my AFS late orientation camp, which I feel fulfilled it's purpose entirely in terms of orientating me.
- I celebrated Halloween in Germany (I'm sorry but America wins on that front)
- I redecorated my room a little bit, which I know is very exciting
- And then last week I started my Praktikum!
So Praktikum in Germany is a two- week internship that all students in Gymnasium (at least where I live) have to do in their 10th grade year. Normally you try and do something that you would like to do when you are an adult, so kids end up doing pretty varied things. For my Praktikum I'm working at a Grundschule ( a German Elementary school) as sort or a teachers aid, although I'm not really helpful because of the whole language barrier thing, but I thinks she's ok with it. I'm working with Fourth graders, and they are so awesome; they always ask me about America and my friends and everything, and because I'm an exchange student the whole school knows me and asks me to visit their class. It is so cute!! The kids absolutely love to correct/ laugh at my German, which is also super cute (joking) but it is really fun and I'm kind of sad I have to go back to real school on Monday.
So ya I know this blog post was really short, but I am pretty busy right now. I really feel like I'm settling in here. I have things to do after school and I have friends who I can do things with and it's starting to get really fun, despite the fact that it is literally always (and I mean always) raining here. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of Christmas markets and I miss you all in Baltimore!